"At 70-77, we discover Energetic Realignment, Unraveling, and Reweaving. From 77-84, the encounter is with Traveling through the Veil/Mist, Seeking and Finding Wisdom. " Your post did get my attention, Jan, because I have just experienced the "unraveling" of my life like never before. Loss of home, having to release and find new home for my most beloved feline "companions / familiars" (this nearly broke me), and the death of a house mate who could not cope with this transition during these winter months and decided to leave her body. I have been "lossing" and reeling and grieving for several months now during the first half of winter; feeling like I have been dropped into an unknown landscape where there is no star map or road map to guide. I am definitely in 'energetic realignment' as I reach out to shaman ways and spiritual ways to reweave. This takes as long as it takes and in the meantime, mantras arise to steady me like: "just wash my spirit clean" or take all that I have been, my beliefs and daily routines and ways of conversing with the world and move them on into something new....wash my spirit clean. The unknown is a daily ache in my gut as I begin my travels beyond the veil and certainly into the mists. Will there be a reweave or only a continue disassembling, I ask.....

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Reading your comments I had to step back and search my own feelings about love and loss and life changes. I think that we experience the emotions of great loss only when we have experienced the emotions of great love. Something to tuck into our heart that perhaps will be of help to someone who is yet to make that part of their journey. Blessings to you Morgana as you walk this wisdom path. 🩵

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Hello Morgana, I am so sorry to hear that you have lost so much. What was dearly loved is now gone: kitties, friend, home, the deep joys of life. I see you there in the map-less landscape, with no stars to guide. What waits on the other side of grief, and how will you get there? So much is falling away that I suspect that the reweaving will not begin until only the most basic essentials remain, though it does seem as if you are there or nearly there. I have pulled a Tarot card for you, it is the three of Pentacles, a card of dynamic work on the earthly plane. In the card we see powerful agents offering a plan or blueprint for the work ahead, the craftsman is elevated and ready to begin. It seems that your time of reweaving is ready to begin and a blueprint to follow will be offered through spiritual means. Take hope from this and be well today, caring for yourself in whatever ways are needed. ~ Jan

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what a loving and helpful reply, Jan. I am very moved by your substantive support.



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