🙏Thank you for all the details on Mother Rot & Her association with Hecate. Great read!

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Oh, so glad you enjoyed meeting Mother Ro🧙🏻‍♀️🍄🦉

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Gorgeous, feeling Mother Rot's presence both externally and internally right now.

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I absolutly adore this, and experienced Mother Rot only yesterday when I threw out a bowl of mouldy rose petals from my healing shed, I also love this season ,beautiful and informative , Id never heard of the word Psychopomps, but knew instinctively what it meant, probably as I am an End of Life doula and love the connection with it.

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Mother Rot is nature’s death doula in a way, no wonder you intuitively knew her. Thank you for the important work you do with those making their final journey. That role and the rituals and customs around dying are nearly lost to us, and what a devastation loss it is.

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This is her season and she is all around us busy at her work. 🧙🏻‍♀️

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I love this depiction of the softening decay of Mother Rot! Surely she's an inspiration for someone's fairytale/ folktale creation! I'm also curious about the three phases of life or faces of the feminine. Although it's an old concept it's always felt incomplete. In my personal belief system, there are four life aspects/ phases... Maiden, Mother, Sovereign/Queen and then Crone. In her sovereign phase, women have birthed and are in the final stages of bringing up their children/creations and their focus and energy shifts into becomming masters of their domain. A time when they serve their extended families and communities with vigour and hard earned wisdom, unencumbered by childrearing responsibilities and care for social or cultural restrictions. When grey streaks are forming in our hair, before we fully embody the white and grey of the Crone. Crone is the softening, the decline into old age, when vigour seeps away, a time when all elders should be allowed/allow themselves to rest and enjoy the twilight years, where we are sought out for our wisdom and honoured by our communities. As I transition from the mother aspect, I am moving into the space of the sovereign, with many more years of ruling as Queen before I embody all that the Crone symbolises. Do others feel the same?

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I wasn't aware of the Sovereign / Queen stage , and I am going to honour this as I don't feel that I am ready to enter the Crone stage of my life yet.

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This is an evolving archetype meeting the needs of who we are and how we live today. Longer lives, more choices for women mean new patterns need to arise.

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I love these reflections. I identify with the mother and sovereign aspects because I am already getting greys but I haven't had any children (yet). I think we can journey through the different archetypes at any phase of life and sometimes they don't necessarily reflect our age but more of an experience we are having.

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Hi Rose, our experience of life, which is always unique to the individual draws structure and symbol from the archetypes but in that relationship to structure and symbol there is so much room for how those are expressed. The journey is always a spiral bringing us round again to the age, stage or phase of the energy of an archetype at any chronological age. Our lives are beautiful manifestations of the possibilities that are available to us. Being an “old soul” or a young “crone” or a natural “mother” even if you have no children of your own is perfectly natural and a testament to the capacity of our humanity. Thank you for sharing your experience it’s lovely to see how you are working with archetypal symbols and seeing yourself reflected in them,

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You intuit correctly. I’ve heard many refer to this stage as Young Crone, or early cronehood, but I like your name Sovereign/Queen. I think longer lifespans have allowed for this and also more expanded opportunities for women overall.

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Spectacular! Thank you. Mother Rot is always close, and as I have aged to a crone, I feel closer to Her.

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Love this!

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Blessings Love Light to you and so it is…❤️🙏

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I so enjoy your beautiful prose to welcome the change of seasons and bid farewell to the passing of summer. ❤️🙏

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Thank you so much for the kind words Terry. Words have their own magic. 🍁

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Mother Rot, yes. She has been visiting my wild-ish gardens for a few weeks now, causing my sneakered feet to slip on straw that is no longer straw, but not yet soil. Thank you! Blessed be.

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Gardens are places of wonder. Transforming right before our eyes especially when Mother Rot visits. Jack Frost will be next!

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Love this, thank you!

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You’re very welcome! I appreciate Your being here and taking the time to comment. 🌻

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