I’ve started a nature journal. I’m only jotting down observations for now (and taking photos), but I plan to make more of an art project out of it. I’m inspired by your bookmaking idea, and I think that would be a fun way to chronicle the seasons this year 😄

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Jan 18Liked by Jan Blencowe

I am forever creating. It’s funny that it took me well into my 50’s to realize that I NEED to create beauty in this world. I love color, texture and flowers, and these things show up in everything I create. Winter is quiet time, perfect for knitting, cooking, studying herbs and their medicinal uses. While Spring, Summer, and Fall find me out in the wild more often than not, in the garden, creating in the kitchen, gathering flowers, visiting with my birds and bees, feeling the sun warm me. We are in Winter now though and the fireplace is my sunshine. The candles my comforting welcome to a quiet evening on the couch with kitties for company and a project in my lap. I just finished a beautiful Norwegian alpine blossom hat and am getting ready to restart a crewel work floral piece that I started over 30 years ago. I create primarily for myself or my loved ones. I’ve sewn for others but always struggled to price things. I want to give out of love not for profit. I create for my own pleasure because it nourishes my soul.

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I find myself turning inward during this time of the year. I live in New England and the cold weather is harsh. It makes me want to retreat.

The only thing I've turned to is writing. I love creating in private. I also like to make art collages. It's something I've been keeping to myself for now and enjoying.

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Jan 18Liked by Jan Blencowe

Aaah, I’d love to read more of your thoughts on balancing the line between personal and professional artist, as someone navigating this very scenario in their mid 20s. My creativity is also very inspired during this time of year, perhaps because it’s when my life finally gets quiet enough that the creative energy can come through!

Something I’ve felt my intuition pulling me towards lately, is withdrawing from my over engagement with others art & writing to focus on my own. I am scared to do this (a good sign it’s probably necessary!) but imagine it will be very fruitful. Thank you for the inspiration as always!

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Jan 18Liked by Jan Blencowe

This post was so inspiring to me, Jan. I enjoy seeing and reading about your process and am especially intrigued by your Mary journal. I have a (almost) daily practice which started out almost 3 years ago as ICAD. Index Card A Day was started by Daisy Yellow Art and she runs this for 61 consecutive days once a year (https://daisyyellowart.com/about). I never stopped after the first 61 days and have moved to using mostly mixed media and watercolor papers, though the use of index cards is freeing, as not everything has to be so precious. I didn't have any inclinations toward art as a child and am kind of delighted to feel how this practice has nourished me at this point in my life. I've embraced the wonkiness of my practice, as you've suggested, and make art just for me. I continue to hesitate calling myself an artist and may get there yet. Thank you, again, for the inspiration. 🩷

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Inspiring as always, thank you. I do art journaling, dye, knit crochet spun and make elemental goddesses for the wheel of the year. I struggle sometimes what to do out of them but they are all part of my spiritual journey and my honouring the Goddess

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