Going through a time of bereavement right now. In the midst of four funerals, two of beloved close family, and no-one but me (with my hubby and adult kids) to deal with those. When all of the needful material things are done, I plan on going on retreat and embracing the person I become.

Please wish me luck.

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When I start to think about life—birth to death in linearity I wonder when where it became circular and realized I went from “fix it (the problem)” to there is nothing to fix.

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I woke to the Moon and North Star this morning. It was still somewhat dark but I felt the need to greet the morning and just be. Just “ being” started a swirl of thoughts and questions about the Divine, Father God, the Earth/ Mother connection and the Son/Sun. All of those things taught to me as a child in Sunday school and as an adult in church came into question by my present Crone self. I’m thinking that so much has been kept away from us by those wishing to maintain control over our lives and beliefs. It’s confusing and disconcerting to say the least, this breaking away from the traditional mainstream way of thinking. What I am beginning to see is the connection to spirits of all living creatures and starting to understand the subtle flow of the seasons as one moves into the other going unnoticed by most people. When my mother died it was a true awakening for me that life continues even though the body doesn’t. We continue on just in a different way. The seasons ebb and flow like the ocean and we ebb and flow from one stage of our life into another and into another. I’m realizing that the Divine is in everything and in all of us, not hidden away in a brick and mortar building made by man to be visited on Sundays. I heard the first songs of the birds and the call of a fox this morning as the sun was rising and the day began to get brighter. I don’t think I can possibly imagine any better church to sit with the Divine. All of us greeting the morning and giving thanks together in our own special way. I still don’t understand the aspects of the Divine but perhaps I’m not really meant to. Perhaps it’s just accepting that it is.

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Love, light and blessings x

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Thank you! May all the same shine on you.

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