The other strange thing I have noticed in the cards is how the readings are becoming more condensed and focused on the next "Event" almost to the exclusion of all else! I love the consistency of outcome but don't normally expect such narrowness and focus across the board. The Wheel of Fortune, Death and the Fool are in almost every reading at the moment along with the Sword of Life (Ace of Swords) All about dramatic change, clarity and new adventures!

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I’m finding similar the cards are focused on the character of the coming events.

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Great Article, I have to say, many of my clients seem to be finding clarity one way or another in May! I can't remember a time when so many people seem to be converging on one month for answers. The end of the current post-Mercury retro is particularly important in that regard. Moving into September is another convergence of outcomes too. I am not an astrologer but do find certain astrological events are replicated in the Cards! Especially Mercury Retro. So my predictions for this month are a reconning in Ukraine by the 9th of May, The Russians could be in for a nasty surprise and in the USA I think Biden may come a cropper. Of course, the opposite could be true! Maybe the West gets its comeuppance and the revolution is the changes we need to make to survive the Assault on Western Liberal Democracy. Also, the Philippines will stand up to Chinese provocations over territorial waters

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Indeed, lots of interesting things to ponder.

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Fabulously fascinating. I seem to be releasing my desire to share words during this eclipse season, but thank you for all of yours.

Here's a link to the fool you shared. https://www.deviantart.com/tiabryn71/art/Steampunk-Tarot-Card-The-Fool-546057897

I admire and adore your art, thoughts, insights and research.


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Hi Holle, thank you so much the kind words and for finding the origin of this The Fool card!

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