I've wondered more than once about the numbers of loved ones I've lost in the "dark days." I think they all sense that it is time to let go, that it is OK to let go. Perhaps because I spent years as a farmer, I don't see this so much as a time of death but as a time for rest and rejuvenation. Maybe they are not so different. Maybe death is the same as letting go. Maybe letting go is what allows for rebirth. Thanks for inspiring my introspection, Jan.

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This information comes at a very interesting time and I am very grateful for having received it. Did a Tarot reading for my daughter on October 31, 2023 - as usual went to 'the book' but summarized my own feelings and observations about the reading. Reviewing your observations I realized that I was very close in my intuition (mom's or otherwise) about her reading. I will be setting up an altar, waiting for the right time to be given to me. Thanks again.

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This is my first time creating an alter for my loved ones gone before me. I’v had to many losses of loved ones and friends this past year into this year. My mother in August and now our sweet kitty, Lucy had to be euthanized the evening before Samhain. She was 20 years old and failing fast but it’s obvious that her passing left a void in our home. I’m grateful for Luna. Luna found me during a Harvest Moon three years ago before Samhain. She’s been a comfort while I had to adjust to my mother not being here and is again comfort to me at Lucy’s passing.

I’ll be refining my alter,lighting a candle and doing a house clearing this morning. It’s sunny and comfortable here in Coastal Texas. Autumn is for the Texas Hill Country. I’ll be going to my house there in a few days. I’m looking forward to Autumn leaves and cooler temps. It’s always been my favorite season, a time to “nest” if you will, settling in for Winter’s rest. This year I feel the need to rest more than ever before. I’ll be disconnecting myself from social media and limiting my news intake. Nothing is more depressing than the news! I have books to read and my art is calling for me to create. A good use of my time.🧡🍂🍁

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