"In the darkness, we are encouraged to prepare to receive a miraculous gift within ourselves. Nature shows us the way." I love being reminded that we have miraculous gifts within us. Thank you, Jan.
Having spent more than a decade as a market farmer (this year, in fact, I will have been out of that part of farming as long as I was in it), I have always had a deep affection for winter. It was then that I could ease back on the rushing between projects, always working--at times in vain--to keep everything alive. It was then that I could finally rest a bit, rediscover the parts of myself I often neglected during the growing season, and gather strength for the coming spring. It is a precious time.
The wisdom of winter truly centers around rest and the invitation to go within. " to keep everything alive" is a big responsibility, and Mother Nature knows to rest in winter. There's something very beautiful and profound about that cycle.
Jan, I would just like to say a big thank you for your posts. I feel like I am in a dark place, but there is hope. This is a process, an internal growth. What you wrote today was what I needed to hear. I am trying to accept all of me, including these dark places, and to love myself. Trying to be open and receptive and learn to be still and be. Thank you so much. 💜
Hi Cathy, thank you for being here in the comments section and sharing your "dark place". Darkness can feel lonely and isolating yet it is also filled with fertility that births hope. Sacred witness of our dark journeys can be invaluably healing letting us know that moving through darkness is possible and that somewhere on the other side light still shines.
I liked the previous two comments because I share some of the sentiments and experiences.
I like your contemplation of preparation, Jan.
This time of the year for me is about coming home to self, to nest. The worse the weather, the better, it offers a good excuse to stay inward focused and feel the comfort of dwelling and nurturing.
The increasing light of advent candles lid to celebrate and anticipate growth, evolution and the promise of cycles and seasons, is what I delight in. 🤗⛄️🎄💫Thank you for sharing and perspective. Enriching ✨
"The worse the weather, the better" I LOVE that perspective. Rest + Nest to nurture the Self is a beautiful winter way of being. Thanks so much for being here in the comments section, Andrea.
Thank you Jan, I really like the idea of coming into being. Also, the preparation... it's frenzied consumerism at this time of year, something I try hard to break out of. But I still want to feed my family well and spoil them with thoughtful gifts I think they'd like, or need. Mid-winter is such a lovely time to do it. For me its not about religion, its about being with my family. But underneath all this there is another kind of preparation going on, and that is preparing myself for my elder years, and there is no manual for that. This process seems more intense at the dark end of the year, perhaps because one has to dig deeper. 💕
Preparation for the winter years of our life requires a candle, and a compass. There is no map I'm afraid but there are companions on the journey. What a beautiful thing to have a family to love this time of year and always.
I love the gentle way you describe this time of year. Beautiful. This week, I’m continuing to decorate my home for the holidays. It is the first time I’ve done it where I’m not rushed so doing a bit every day is enjoyable. And I’ll leave it all up well after new year to enjoy it more. I’ve also put up more small white lights. What a joy! Thank You Jan.
I’ve been decorating a bit every day as well -- it’s so much more fun that way! I always leave mine up until the end of January or the first week of February. They really brighten up the winter days 😊
This seems to be a theme among commentators, decorating a little each day. I decorated all at once but for the last few years have spread the baking out over a week. One cookie recipe a day!
One of my favorite quotes is “Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.” ― Meister Eckhart. Our experience of God is deeper than theology, the study of God, can ever express. Thanks for reading and being here in the comments section. Sending you a peaceful second week of Advent.
"In the darkness, we are encouraged to prepare to receive a miraculous gift within ourselves. Nature shows us the way." I love being reminded that we have miraculous gifts within us. Thank you, Jan.
Having spent more than a decade as a market farmer (this year, in fact, I will have been out of that part of farming as long as I was in it), I have always had a deep affection for winter. It was then that I could ease back on the rushing between projects, always working--at times in vain--to keep everything alive. It was then that I could finally rest a bit, rediscover the parts of myself I often neglected during the growing season, and gather strength for the coming spring. It is a precious time.
The wisdom of winter truly centers around rest and the invitation to go within. " to keep everything alive" is a big responsibility, and Mother Nature knows to rest in winter. There's something very beautiful and profound about that cycle.
Yes, beautiful and profound are the perfect words for it.
Jan, I would just like to say a big thank you for your posts. I feel like I am in a dark place, but there is hope. This is a process, an internal growth. What you wrote today was what I needed to hear. I am trying to accept all of me, including these dark places, and to love myself. Trying to be open and receptive and learn to be still and be. Thank you so much. 💜
Hi Cathy, thank you for being here in the comments section and sharing your "dark place". Darkness can feel lonely and isolating yet it is also filled with fertility that births hope. Sacred witness of our dark journeys can be invaluably healing letting us know that moving through darkness is possible and that somewhere on the other side light still shines.
I liked the previous two comments because I share some of the sentiments and experiences.
I like your contemplation of preparation, Jan.
This time of the year for me is about coming home to self, to nest. The worse the weather, the better, it offers a good excuse to stay inward focused and feel the comfort of dwelling and nurturing.
The increasing light of advent candles lid to celebrate and anticipate growth, evolution and the promise of cycles and seasons, is what I delight in. 🤗⛄️🎄💫Thank you for sharing and perspective. Enriching ✨
"The worse the weather, the better" I LOVE that perspective. Rest + Nest to nurture the Self is a beautiful winter way of being. Thanks so much for being here in the comments section, Andrea.
Thank you Jan, I really like the idea of coming into being. Also, the preparation... it's frenzied consumerism at this time of year, something I try hard to break out of. But I still want to feed my family well and spoil them with thoughtful gifts I think they'd like, or need. Mid-winter is such a lovely time to do it. For me its not about religion, its about being with my family. But underneath all this there is another kind of preparation going on, and that is preparing myself for my elder years, and there is no manual for that. This process seems more intense at the dark end of the year, perhaps because one has to dig deeper. 💕
Preparation for the winter years of our life requires a candle, and a compass. There is no map I'm afraid but there are companions on the journey. What a beautiful thing to have a family to love this time of year and always.
I love the gentle way you describe this time of year. Beautiful. This week, I’m continuing to decorate my home for the holidays. It is the first time I’ve done it where I’m not rushed so doing a bit every day is enjoyable. And I’ll leave it all up well after new year to enjoy it more. I’ve also put up more small white lights. What a joy! Thank You Jan.
I’ve been decorating a bit every day as well -- it’s so much more fun that way! I always leave mine up until the end of January or the first week of February. They really brighten up the winter days 😊
This seems to be a theme among commentators, decorating a little each day. I decorated all at once but for the last few years have spread the baking out over a week. One cookie recipe a day!
Your house must have smelled delicious! 🍪
Hi Roberta it sounds like the slow pace of this time of life and year is agreeing with you!
One of my favorite quotes is “Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.” ― Meister Eckhart. Our experience of God is deeper than theology, the study of God, can ever express. Thanks for reading and being here in the comments section. Sending you a peaceful second week of Advent.