Turtles! As a home-centered Cancer, I feel very connected to them but I've never had the privilege of coming upon a nest. So glad you knew what to do. Oh, and those Purple Flame iris are exceptional. I have another variety I need to plant here -- taken (with permission) from a property that holds deep history for me which was sold to a new owner a few months ago. I hope they like it here, these iris. Thanks, Jan.

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2 months ago I discovered a big red slider and a little mud turtle laying eggs next to each other. Having failed to properly protect turtle nests too many times before, I put a folding table on top of/across the two nests. We removed the table 5 days ago. The ground was undisturbed. The slider eggs are due to hatch at 60 days and the mud turtle at 75 days. Your amazingly appropriate essay will prevent us from being heartbroken if they decide to stay underground until spring. Thank you!

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This was a lovely read and taught me things about turtles I didn’t know. Several years ago I became a kayaker and through the many hours I’ve spent on various waterways, I’ve developed a deep fondness for turtles. Seeing them lined up on logs, sunning themselves on a warm day, never fails to lift my heart.

There was one thing you wrote that particularly spoke to me - “Don’t ever think it’s “just a coincidence” especially if it feels meaningful. That’s your intuition kicking in and helping you hear what Spirit has to say to you.” Thank you for this important reminder. Sometimes we get so caught up in our heads that it’s easy to forget this.

All I can add to this wonderful post is ‘Amen!’

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Those same lines stood out to me, too, Blaze. :)

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I used to go kayaking. It’s such a wonderful way to quietly move among the often shy and solitary denizens of inland waterways and marshes. Turtles in their cheerful and comfortable piles. Stacked up one upon another do seem to radiate a sense of comfortable relaxation. The simple art of noticing is often all we need to bring ourselves back into alignment spiritually and to open the channels of divine communication.

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"The simple art of noticing is often all we need to bring ourselves back into alignment...." ❤️

It's not lost on me that your essay arrived in my mailbox at a time when the Justice tarot card is playing significantly in my life right now ... synchronicity at its best 🙂

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Jan, your thoughtful reflections and wisdom resonates strongly with me. Thank you for sharing your beautiful essays with us.

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You are very welcome! In this age of alienation from nature and often each other I’m honored to share meaningful thoughts and ideas through words and images that bring us closer to nature and each other and to Spirit.

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