Love is active wherever it exists. It is everyone's vocation; it is no one's prerogative. ~ Anonymous, Meditations on the Tarot, a journey into Christian Hermeticim (p. 58).
When we understand this, we realize that love must move. It must flow like waves of energy radiating from the source, like rays from the sun.
Love must be active and freely given. To withhold, hoard, or bestow only conditionally is not to love genuinely.
This week's candle is the candle of love—a bright flame illuminating the darkness.
The mystery of love needs time in the heart to ripen and take root fully.
As we move into the deepest darkness just before winter solstice this week, ponder what it means to make love your vocation. Find ways to be the flame of love, and let your love be active.
Thank you Jan for bringing these thoughtful, beautiful moments to us, at a time we need them most. j.