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I know I’m on a staycation, but there has been a flurry of new subscribers, both free and paid (thank you!), and I thought I should pop in and say Hello.
The weather has been beautiful, my garden is beginning to fill out, and the peace and quiet is delicious.
Unfortunately, I’ve injured my knee and foot, so I’m taking it easy out of necessity.
I’ve been thinking about stewarding the land, the spirit of the trees, and the role of faeries and gnomes in successful land management and garden growing. Much of my rumination and introspection will find its way into future Hedge Mystic posts.
A Little Story
My mom always gave me an Easter Lily on Easter. Then, one year, she gave me a pot of orange lilies instead; she thought they were so vibrant and colorful and a lovely change from the typical white Easter lily. That was seventeen years ago. I’ve repotted them several times, even brought them from my old house to this house thirteen years ago. They stay outside all winter and bloom beautifully every June, which, as it happens, was my mother’s name.
Here’s a short video of the wren building her nest in the planter of lilies on my deck.
If you’re new here or if you missed last week’s email, here’s what’s going on behind the scenes and a curated list of suggested essays to dip into until I return to regular Thursday essays.
I’m working on a new School of the Seasons Summer Solstice Exploration and Experience to join the Imbolc, Ostara, and Beltane offerings. Eventually, materials for each season will be housed on an easily accessible page.
I’ll return on June 19th, and you’ll receive an email with the link to the Summer Solstice School of the Seasons materials.
Meanwhile, you can enjoy some of my past writing for this season, including…
I'm Still a Maiden Even When I'm a Crone, the Beltane Effect
Value Your Experiences in Nature, make time for stillness instead of social media
You can find the entire Hedge Mystic archive HERE, including all these articles and many more.
The comments section is a safe and welcoming space to share your insights and experiences.
Comments and conversation are always appreciated and enjoyed, so feel free to let your voice be heard. I read them all and try to respond to each one.
(Check out the Post Script below)
Thank you for reading Hedge Mystic and participating in this vibrant and growing community of creative, spiritual humans. You are always welcome here, appreciated, and loved.
The Moon is New in Gemini today, June 6, 2024
I’m now booking personalized Tarot readings. The summer solstice is approaching, the pinnacle of the Sun’s illumination combined with the deep insight and wisdom of the new moon in Gemini, an Air sign corresponding to thought and the workings of the mind and intellect. It is a perfect time to see things in the clear light of day and through the mysteries of the moon. Learn more and book HERE. When you email to book tell me you’re a Hedge Mystic subscriber and Save $10 in honor of the summer solstice!
So sorry you're dealing with an injury on your time off, but I suppose resting is more important than ever now. The little nesting bird, best I can tell, is a Carolina wren - a special favorite of mine (I think that's redundant) about which I wrote an essay last fall. https://elizabethbeggins.substack.com/p/rush-rusher
Please take a picture of your orange lilies when they are fully open. I'm sure they are gorgeous, and how lovely that they bloom in June.